Tuesday was fun but it was an epic tiring day for me. I went to uni in the morning@8a.m and grocery shopping@central market after class. Most of them attended the BBQ.. It's kind of last dinner and massive gathering before we study for our final.
So yeah, we went back to Steven's house and prepare everything.
There you go, BBQ start around 6.30p.m :)

My big family in University who attend the BBQ <3
Me, Steven, Jessie, Seb, Hai, Vy, Jeffrey, Rena, Andy, Ling Ling, Dzung, Anh, Thinh, Eric, Thea, Thomas, Melissa
Eating, Chit-chatting, Laughing and Playing around. Thank people who helped and cook for us. Appreciate it a lot =) Around 9.30p.m, went back into the Steven's house. Movie time start! We watched Shutter.. It is such a boring movie. >.> I fall asleep.. Teehee! :) And everyone went home around 11.30p.m.
A bad thing happened- my debit card got owned.. got tempted by the machine. ZZzzz
Uni Life
Final exam is coming soon but i haven't ready for it yet. =( so stress lor..
Was busying with group assignment recently. I already finished my part, thanks a lot to Ellen for helping me. It due on tomorrow@4p.m but we haven't finished the whole assignment yet.
Don't you feel stress and wanna do it fast when people keep pushing you? Don't you feel bad when whole group of people waiting for you? Do you know I'm the one who got scolding by my group mate? Seriously, it's so annoying and stress. *Sniff* I wish you finished it asap.
Presentation slide not done yet and presentation is on Monday. =( Help me please..
p/s: appreciate it if u have a good and effective group mate.
4 more weeks! and I will be free for 3 months. =)
Okay! That's all. =) back to work now.
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