3 more days until final but I haven't done my studied yet.
I'm slacking. =( I will try to study hard in this 3 days time. >.<" Good news for my friends in Malaysia :) I'm going back in
3 weeks time. Let's hang out whenever u guys back to Kuantan.
movie, yum cha, beach.Don' forget yeah! teehee!
Can't wait to meet my family and friends back in Malaysia.
Going to chat with my sisters until late night and sleep with them.
Miss my mum's homecook food. She is a great cooker in my family =)
My dad who busy working.
miss u all so much. <3

I'm going back for
3 months.
I feel that 3 months is a very long time for me this time.
I prob will be bored at home.
I'm going to miss him and my friends here so badly. =( I wish we can keep in touch.
I will talk to you everyday if i can. i will miss u, hippo.
Sorry to people who will organized a birthday party in this 3 months time especially u.
December January and February babies. I'm so sorry. u know i still love u guys. Hope u guys have fun although without me.
Time to study for exam.Good Luck and All The Best